Legal advice prepared especially for you by our Law Firm
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How much does it cost to have a lawyer write a letter, lawsuit or contract?
Are you planning to put up an apartment or premises for rent in the near future and you are not sure whether you will be able to cope with all the formalities? Would you like to be sure that your interests are well protected? Do you have a problem with a tenant and don't know how to enforce your rights? Regardless of how confident you feel in legal issues related to property management, you should consider using legal services.
How to conduct successful contract negotiations in one day. 9 extremely effective ways to speed up negotiations.
How to conduct successful contract negotiations in one day. 9 extremely effective ways and techniques for quickly conducting negotiations that you can use, even if you are not a lawyer
Legal subscription for companies - our legal protection that comes in handy when you encounter real challenges
Legal subscription for companies - our legal protection comes in handy when you encounter real challenges in business. Service description Terms and benefits – i.e
Selling a pharmacy – how does it proceed? What to remember? What to pay attention to?
Operating in the pharmaceutical market is different from "ordinary" running a business. It is subject to additional regulations, and running a pharmacy itself is subject to the procedure of obtaining the appropriate permit - it is therefore a regulated activity. As you can easily guess, the sale of such a pharmacy will be more complicated than the "traditional" procedure of selling an enterprise.
How to acquire ownership of an apartment by usucaption?
Acquiring ownership of an apartment does not have to involve only purchasing it from a developer or on the secondary market, which constitute the so-called a derivative method of acquiring property rights.
Do I need to call the police after an accident or collision? A practical guide!
Do I need to call the police after an accident or collision? Practical guide Do you need to call the police in the event of a collision? Should the police be called to an accident? When to call
Adverse possession of real estate and claims for arrears of rent
Adverse possession of real estate and the claim for arrears of rent. And more precisely: Adverse possession of real estate and remuneration for non-contractual use of it - a resolution of seven judges of the Supreme Court
How to properly transfer a pharmacy license
Transferring a license to operate a pharmacy is a process that requires great precision in view of the very stringent requirements of the Pharmaceutical Law. From legal conditions, through preparation of documentation, to consequences
How to obtain a transfer of the license to operate it without closing the pharmacy?
Introduction Running a pharmacy involves a number of responsibilities and the need to meet a number of legal requirements. The basic one is obtaining a permit to run a pharmacy, issued by
Sale of a repossessed vehicle by a lessor - how to combat the sale of a car at a lower price?
Financial problems often result in many consequences, like one domino move - in the case of leasing a car, this often results in, among others, termination
The morning-after pill without a prescription – will the President of the Republic of Poland sign the amendment to the Pharmaceutical Law?
In February 2024, the Sejm began work on an act amending the Pharmaceutical Law, the aim of which is to introduce wide access to emergency contraception (the so-called "day-of-day" pills).
How to win a case in court? – A guide for non-lawyers
First of all, remember that success, i.e. winning a court case, means obtaining the most favorable result possible. Assessment of what is most beneficial in a given case
Renting an apartment without the consent of a co-owner or spouse
Wynajem mieszkania bez zgody współwłaściciela lub małżonka – co musisz wiedzieć? Wynajem mieszkania może wydawać się prostym procesem, jednak w przypadku współwłasności, w tym szczególnego
Losing a license to run a pharmaceutical wholesale store - mistakes you should avoid
Running a pharmaceutical wholesaler is an activity subject to extremely detailed legal requirements. Obtaining the appropriate permit is not an easy task. Unfortunately, for entities with such permits -
How to value a company: Valuation tips and methods
Company valuation is a crucial process that usually holds great importance in the business world. Whether you are an entrepreneur looking to sell your business,
Criminal liability for non-payment of rent. A precedent-setting court judgment in Warsaw!
Renting residential premises, especially nowadays, is an extremely popular form of housing. The contract between the landlord (apartment owner) and the tenant (tenant) is, by definition, an agreement whose
Recognition of claim (recognition of debt). What's worth knowing?
What are the risks of recognizing a claim (recognition of debt)? Polish civil law provides that usually a creditor (e.g. lender, credit grantor, lessor, seller) has a limited time to pursue his claims.
Paid training leave for a pharmacist – basic rules. What about unused leave?
New entitlement of a pharmacist-employee With the entry into force of the Act of December 10, 2020 on the profession of pharmacist (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2022, item
Is the estate of a doctor who has a third party liability insurance policy at risk from the patient's claims?
What is liability insurance for a doctor? (if the person does not practice solely under an employment contract) In the event that the patient suffers damage
Who will be the Prime Minister after the elections - did STS mislead the players?
STS - i.e. Star-Typ Sport - is the largest bookmaker and at the same time one of several legally operating entities offering the possibility of concluding bookmaker bets in the area of
Refund of undue refund - a few words about National Health Fund inspections in pharmacies
Introduction Recently, more and more owners of public pharmacies and pharmacy outlets have been contacting our office seeking help in the unequal fight against the National
Facebook / IG – subscription. How to make an informed decision about advertising?
Since yesterday, Poles on Facebook and Instagram, i.e. on the very popular online services of Meta, have the opportunity to choose between paying for using the website without
Liability for damage caused by a driver under the influence of alcohol
In July 2023 The news spread in the media that in the former city of Polish kings, a driver driving a sports car significantly exceeded the speed limit (in that place it was limited).
Limits on issuing e-prescriptions - the Ministry of Health's fight against "prescription machines"
A loud topic in the broadly understood pharmaceutical environment are changes regarding the issuance of e-prescriptions - in this case, we are talking about, among others, limits on their issuance, as well as
Fitting rooms in pharmacies – is it necessary or even possible? Discussion of the proposed requirements for the premises of entities supplying medical products
The pharmacy community is watching with astonishment the work on the draft of a new regulation of the Minister of Health on the detailed requirements that should be met by the premises of an entity performing activities with
The concept of good privatization of health care: synergy of freedom and regulation
The concept of privatization of health care and private health insurance often raises controversy and discussions about the role of the state in providing medical care. Today the confusion was caused by a Confederate,
CJEU C-520/21: Banks will have to pay customers, not customers paying banks
It is banks that will have to pay interest and compensation, not customers to banks. Today's judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on Swiss franc loans brings
CJEU judgment C-520/21 – full text
JUDGMENT OF THE COURT (Fourth Chamber) of 15 June 2023 (*) Reference for a preliminary ruling - Unfair terms in consumer contracts - Directive 93/13/EEC - Article 6(1) 1 and art. 7 section 1 – Credit
Why did the Supreme Court decide to deprive a citizen of the right to a court?
Critical commentary on the decision of the Supreme Court of March 29, 2023, III CZ 427/22, stating that submitting a document to the court via the Internet does not result in any
How to hire a lawyer to prepare a lease agreement?
Renting a flat or premises may seem like a simple task, but to be legally effective, it requires the conclusion of a legally binding, written lease agreement. Preparation of these contracts